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League Doubles Training Masterclass
Welcome! (3:50)
Call 1 Lessons
General Doubles Strategy (12:03)
Serve Strategy (9:38)
Serve Strategy Q&A (5:27)
Return Strategy (13:02)
Return Strategy Q&A (11:13)
Open Discussion: Signals, Poaching, Maintaining Focus, & More (15:23)
Call 2 Lessons
Lesson 1: Who covers the middle? (7:28)
Lesson 2: How to Cover the Lob (3:26)
Lesson 3: Strategies that Force Low Percentage Shots from the Opponent (7:14)
Lesson 4: Defensive vs Offensive Lobs & Using the Wind (4:30)
Lesson 5: When to Let the Overhead Bounce (5:42)
Lesson 6: Hand Signals & Communication (8:53)
Lesson 7: Strategies vs I-Formation or Australian Formation (8:16)
Lesson 8: Lost the 1st Set? Here's How to Turn it Around (4:36)
Lesson 9: Return Strategies vs a BIG 1st Serve & a Soft 2nd Serve (7:08)
Lesson 10: Warmup & Pre-Match Routine (6:58)
Lesson 11: Exposing a Weak Opponent (9:23)
Lesson 12: Playing with a Weaker Player (4:32)
Lesson 13: Playing Against a Team You've Never Played (6:27)
Lesson 14: Forcing the Opponent to Play on Your Terms (6:17)
Lesson 15: Choosing Return Sides (5:34)
Lesson 16: What To Do When You Lose Your Rhythm & Confidence (5:02)
Bonus #1: Doubles Partner Game Plan - A Practical Guide
Bonus #2
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Lesson 12: Playing with a Weaker Player
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